Bila kan abis tu?

Nampak kah clear? Sorry ah, pakai talipun kana gambar ni.

For everyone’s information, this video was taken di Bandar ampir Pusat Kesenian. For everyone’s information also, this is definitely bukan sekali dua saja. Tukang sapu ani, mun dikira-kira dalam 5 kali seminggu ada kali. Banyak witnesses. Cuba tah meliat tu, relek kali ah usulnya mencabur ke aying.

Mana ya peduli lai, basar kah damit kah sampah nya abis semua ampit. Pikirtah urang Bandaran ani paham, sampah ani masuknya patut ke pelastik, kana angkut ulih kerita sampah. Rupanya inda. Mana kan inda abis tu sampah ah. Mun sehari sekilo, seminggu 7 kilo sampah betimbun dalam aying. Setahun berapa sudah. Campur lagi sama urang di sebarang sungai yang segala aisbok pun betalang ke aying, bilatah habisnya tu sampah atu?

Tulung dih, BANDAR jua tu.

People are all hot and bothered by Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth? Dui jan tah ingau kan ais di North Pole/South Pole ah. Ni nah sampah di kampung aying nda pandai tuhur ah pikirkan dulu. Urang cemani yang macam nada membuang sampah ani nah yang di pikirkan.

Ani yang nampak. Yang inda nampak? Banar tah this rant could go on all day. Abis aying liur. PIKIRKAN TAH.

16 thoughts on “Bila kan abis tu?

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  2. indaaa! orang bandarannnn. tu bah unifom oren!!! kajut ku ni ah meliat this vid. bari gergitan. nada kah kana ajar yang sampah atu patutnya bukan dibuang ke laut???? zaman apa kan ni?

    btw, MANCY BREW kali. ciplak. hahah tulis tah buku.


  3. THATS JUST DISGUSTING. INDA KANA AJAR INITIATIVE KAH URANG URANG ANI?? garam tah ati ku tu nah..rupanya bisdia yang turut turutan jua.. baru ya Gila. (capital G). pinjam video ani mau. 😉


  4. OMG!!! *jaw hangs above belly* All this while I thought the people residing there were responsible for such disgusting acts. Apparently not. Something has to be done. Maw, we take this elective that talks about issues in Brunei that needs to be raised and we have to come up with some solutions for the govt to act on. My coursemates are doing one on rubbish in brunei. I’ll make sure they watch this and put something up in their action plan. Thanks for showing this. An eye-opener.


  5. *pfft* x 5353!!!!

    Orang yang ditugaskan untuk membersihkan alam sekitar lagi tu!

    Well, siapa saja lah!No matter what they do! No one should litter! Yet alone Kampung ayer, where the rubbish coats the surface of the water! Bida bah eh! Inda kamu paham kan bidaaaaa.. Plus, sihat kan tu miatu atu? Mihir jua eh.

    Thanks for posting this up Mau. Mudahan tah sadar orang tani ani. AMIN!


  6. Patut tah belaboian sampah2 ah..aku ani hari2 bah melintas jalan sana ah…stress ku meliat sampah2 yg inda mau abis as,terutama time aing pasang,patut tah inda mau abis,batah2 ani org kg aing yg ku salah kan,rupanya org baju oren punya keraja….


  7. I’m glad to read the kind of responses for this particular blog post. The Lazy Turtle, go ahead, this video is free for distribution. Awareness must be raised. IT IS NOT EVEN REMOTELY OKAY TO BUANG SAMPAH CATU, doesn’t matter if you are wearing the orange uniform or not. Mun tani cemani hari2, bedukang pun inda sanggup kan tinggal lam aying atu. Mudahan tah orang ani sadar banar. AMINNNNNNN 1000000000000000xxxxxx


  8. it’s true, wrote a story about it months ago pasal neverending sampah di kg ayer and 1 villager said that the cleaners buang sampah in the river. esk, sapu balik watever left sampah2 and do the same thing. useless~

    palak2 mata. good to know there’s a video about it on youtube. monkeyfruit has done something on garbage too for NIE. last week ia suruh follow up on the berjurit ladies-stakeout but was not up for it. not well enuff to be waiting in the heat. usulnya krg diri pun ikut gugur join sampah2 melaboi2. hahaha.

    will follow up.


  9. your inconvenient truth comment was unnecessary. the fact that they’re dumping trash in the river (sad as it may be), does not erase how important global warming is. atu affects the world. “pikirkan tah”


  10. well alex, as a person that understands how global warming affects the world, i’d think you’d know how the simplest, little things can make a huge difference to the world.

    i didnt say global warming is not important. i merely pointed out the stupid fact of reality: how can we start worrying about carbon emissions and reducing resource usage when we can’t even stop ourselves from dumping thrash in the river?

    so, i’m sorry, my comment was not unnecessary. it was crucial even. you think about it.


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